In the journey of
motherhood, your body requires the utmost care and balanced flow of energy in
each part of it. Acupuncture, the 3000 years old technique of Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help you to combat the hurdles of getting pregnant.

The Origin of Acupuncture
The origin of acupuncture
dates back to the Stone Age. At that time, the modern treatment techniques were
not there, and ancient people used sharp aged materials to penetrate the skin.
In this way, they used to drain blood to maintain the balanced circulation of
blood and energy in the human body.
This was the most common
method for treating pain and other complicated health issues. Later the scholars of Traditional Chinese
Medicine carried on practising this old healing technique. Gradually this
effective practice stepped into the Western world, and today it is prevalent
How Acupuncture Increases the Chances of Conception
Visiting a specialist for acupuncture Prahran or any other
location increases the chances of conception potentially. This unique process
of treatment follows a specific theory of balanced energy distribution in our
body. It focuses on improving the blood flow to the reproductive organs.
How does it work?
There's a delicate balance
between the pituitary and reproductive glands, and the hypothalamus. However, a
higher level of stress interrupts the entire process of ovulation by disturbing
this balance. It is also responsible for creating spasm in the fallopian tubes
and uterus. This prevents the implantation of fertilized eggs.
Acupuncture helps in
relieving stress and balancing the endocrine system. As a result, it enhances the chances of
The Process of Rendering the Treatment
The treatment involves the
insertion of fine needles in specific anatomical points of the body. There are
more than 2000 acupuncture points in the human body. All of them are connected
with 14 meridians or pathways. These pathways are the conductor of ‘qi’ or
energy. This conducted energy flows between the surface of the human body and
internal organs.
This flow of energy
regulates the physical, spiritual and emotional balance of the human body.
Acupuncture helps to keep the flow of energy uninterrupted. In this way, it
gives birth to a stress-free beautiful relationship. Naturally, it acts as an
inducer of successful conception.
Hope this post helps!! Now
get ready to experience the glory of motherhood by undergoing effective
sessions of acupuncture. If you are looking for the best and efficient fertility acupuncture Melbourne, feel
free to reach a good acupuncture clinic and walk out with the best results.
Schedule your appointment now!!
Fildena France